Bill is joined by Ben, Derek and Owen for the third installment of Krononaut Chronicles. The show starts with gratitudes then moves on to the "New Business" segment and ends with a little inspiration from Don Miguel Ruiz. The second segment includes numerous topics among them being Derek's recent expedition to Las Vegas and Bill's experience at a local rock, gem and mineral show.
This was recorded LIVE on Monday, April 11th at 7pm EDT.
You can listen live and chat at every Monday at 7pm eastern.
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In this week’s Sword segment, we get to hear an original audio recording from the famous 1950s radio speaker and author Earl Nightingale as...
Bill is joined by Adam, Ben and Derek for another installment of the Krononaut Chronicles Working. We open with gratitudes then move on to...
Awareness: Self-Compliment exercise Armor: The Attitude Breathing™ Technique Augmentation: Headlines dealing with: the failed WHO treaty, exploration of the dark side of the Moon,...