Bill is joined by Adam, Ben and Derek for another installment of the Krononaut Chronicles Working. We open with gratitudes then move on to "New Business" where Derek updates us about the launch of his private haunted tours where you have the option to use several techy gadgets just like the paranormal investigators you see on television! The third segment, and also peppered throughout the episode, features a discussion around the second to last chapter of The Four Agreements by Don Migule Ruiz.
This was recorded LIVE on Monday, April, 17th at 7pm EDT
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Bill is joined by two other Prime Krononauts to talk about not taking things personally which is the second agreement in Don Miguel Ruiz’s...
After sharing gratitudes, four of the Krononauts delve into topics such as telepathy, myth, St. Anthony, Solar Warden and so much more. The third...
Four Krononaut Primes gather to share gratitudes which develops into a short discussion of Wim Hof’s breathing method. The rebranded Silver segment features a...